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  • Advance Prices
    Monthly reports released on the ~23rd of the month by the Market Administrator announcing the current Component and Class Prices. The releases also includes selected product prices for butter, cheese, powder and whey. (PDF)
  • Class and Component Prices
    Monthly reports released on the ~5th of the month by the Market Administrator announcing the current Component and Class Prices. The releases also includes selected product prices for butter, cheese, powder and whey. (PDF)
  • Statistical Uniform Price
    A monthly report released ~12th of the month by the Market Administrator announcing the current P.P.D. price and utilization. The release also lists the regulated, partially regulated and producer-handlers associated with the order. (PDF)
    Also contains NEW MEXICO-WEST TEXAS FO 138 and TEXAS FO 126.
  • Mailbox Milk Prices
    A data series collected by Dairy Programs through its Federal milk market administrator offices representing the net price received by dairy farmers for milk. It includes all payments received for milk sold and all costs associated with marketing the milk. Price is reported at the market average butterfat test. The information reported is intended to be representative of the entire market. (PDF)

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